Sunday, November 17, 2013

12 Weeks

Finally made it to 12 weeks, Yay!!!  Hopefully the morning sickness will begin going away now, I can't wait to be able to eat a whole meal without gagging!  Howie will be happy not to have to hold my hair back as I puke as well, he's been so good dealing with all the changes such a great husband and will be a great father:). I was also able to find the heartbeat with the handheld Doppler that my sister-in-law loaned me, unfortunately Howie was out of town at his grandfather's funeral but I was able to record it and send it to him.  It was such a reassurance to hear that wonderful sound in between doctor visits.  Our next visit is in just a few days, hoping they do another ultrasound so we can see him/her again also should get all the bloodwork results back.  We had originally planned after our 12 week appt to switch to Fruitful Vine birthing center but I think we will wait until after our 16 week appt so that hopefully we can find out the gender right before Christmas.  I have a super cute gender reveal planned for Christmas morning if our little one cooperates and we can find out a little early.