Saturday, August 1, 2015

14 months old!

So since it's taking a little longer to get caught up on the other months, I'm skipping ahead so I don't forget everything Sam is doing right now!

Food:  Sam's favorite foods right now are scrambled eggs, strawberries, pancakes, rice, green beans and zucchini.  She loves almost any fruit of course and will eat most veggies you give her but meats not so much.  Each meal we give her either beef, chicken, or kidney beans (those she'll usually eat) but the meat for some reason she doesn't really seem to like.  We did have her iron checked in June and it was a little low so have been trying to get more iron rich foods for her.  She is still nursing and has one bottle of pumped milk while I'm at work and sometimes a sippy cup of milk.  She gets the bottle when she's either going down for a nap or bedtime depending on my shift.  Still no teeth so we aren't too worried about weaning her off the bottle yet.

Sleep: Night weaning a couple of months ago was successful so she now sleeps through the night!  However right now we are struggling with early wake ups which messes up nap time, its a delicate balance.  She dropped her second nap almost 2 months ago but now with her waking up between 6-7 she only last until about 10 before needing a nap which means she's awake around 1130-12 and then bedtime between 6-7 but 6 hours is too long of a wake time for her so we try to squeeze a second nap in around 3 or 4 but that pushes her bedtime back but she still wakes up early so she's just a tired girl!  It's a terrible cycle!

Play:  Right now it's all about what she's not supposed to play with!  She loves the dog bowl and bathroom.  She's also recently discovered hide and seek, so much fun playing that with her!  She loves to dance with daddy and I holding her.  My mom got her a swing for her birthday and that is definitely one of her favorite things to do, she'll grab out hand and pulls us to the door so she can go swing.

Fun times:  We house sat for Howie's parents for about 2 1/2 weeks in July so Sam had a lot more space to roam and play.  Trips to the park, library, and the zoo this month too.