Wednesday, March 8, 2017

This is happening...

I'm starting this post 2 days after we found out....We're Pregnant!

We found out the day before Valentine's Day and this is how we told our parents and family.

Coming October 2017

I should have guessed it by how I was feeling that week, the crazy moodiness and gas/bloating.  Oh my goodness, I never have bad gas unless I'm pregnant but I don't remember it starting this early with Sam😂. 

I feel much more relaxed this time versus with Sam I was incredibly anxious through the 1st trimester.  With our first pregnancy ending in a miscarriage, it made me much more cautious with Sam.  At this point I know there's very little you can do (in most circumstances) that will cause a miscarriage and we trust the Lord with this little one and His plan.  So I'm enjoying my coffee while I can, until the morning sickness kicks in, and still exercising.  

And the morning sickness kicked in around 6 weeks just like with Sam.  This time it's just all day nausea versus throwing up every morning, not sure which one is worse!  I took Unisom and b6 before but it made me so groggy the other day that I ended up asking my doctor for Zofran and it is amazing!  

We went to the Dr around 7 weeks and didn't have a babysitter for Sam so she came with us.  She was really confused, she thought we were getting the baby then😂.  We heard the heartbeat on the ultrasound, the heart rate was around 150.  Unfortunately, because I have a tilted uterus it makes it harder to get measurements and pictures this early on so the doctor wants me to come back in 2 weeks.  The funny part is with Sam I would have loved having another appointment so soon but now I have to fit it in with Howie and I's work schedules and find a babysitter since the only appointment I could get is while he is at work😩.  I'm glad it will only be every 4 weeks after this!

Like I said she couldn't get a good picture!
Like I said she wasn't able to get a good picture.

For the most part, Sam has been super sweet, she tells baby good morning and gives hugs and kisses, prays for it, and has been carrying around the ultrasound images so she can "see the baby again".