Friday, January 19, 2018

Westley's 3 month update!

Sleeping patterns:  He has slept through the night a handful of times but he's had a lot of congestion since Thanksgiving off and on and hasn't slept well with that.  He takes around 3-4 naps a day depending on what time he wakes up in the morning.  I've gotten into the habit of nursing him to sleep which might backfire later on but for now it's what works for us.  He does catnap a lot but I've also got some good 2-3 hour naps out of him which are amazing!

Pictures at JC Penney

Eating habits:  We are still exclusively breastfeeding, he tends to "snack" a lot versus taking full feeds.  He's gotten a bottle a few times with me being back at work and Howie says it takes him a long time to take a full (3-4 oz) bottle.  Howie does a great job pace feeding Westley which helps him not develop a bottle preference.  The couple of times I've pumped at work so far I've gotten about 4 oz on each side which is perfect.  I have about 70 oz in the freezer right now that we'll rotate through.  I definitely don't have the oversupply that I had with Sam which is a good thing (much less time spent pumping!)

Accomplishments:  He's able to self soothe pretty well with his thumb, other times he uses a pacifier.  It looks like he might have a bottom tooth poking though soon.  Sam didn't get her first teeth until she was 18 months old and that's what I was hoping for again but it's not looking like it:(  He's drooling a ton!  I ordered some really cute bandana bibs off of Amazon to help with the drooling.  He's already trying to sit up, if I have him against me he wants to sit up.

Places we went:  We went to North Carolina to visit some of Howie's family.  We went to the zoo a couple of times.  Being honest I do sometimes miss how easy it had gotten with just Sam and we would go and do a lot.  I'm trying to be patient because I know it will get easier and we can be on the go again:)

I'm guessing (based on our regular home scale) he weighs between 15-16 lbs, he's wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.

Westley is such a good baby!  Even when he is tired he doesn't usually get cranky.  He likes giving big smiles.  He loves bathtime and getting his diaper changed!  He likes watching big sister play.  I've started putting him on the floor in her room while she plays so he can watch.

JC Penney Portraits

Trying so hard to roll from back to belly.