Saturday, February 17, 2018

Westley's 4 month update!

Sleeping Patterns:  This kid's night sleeping is killing me!  He's been waking up 3-4 times a night😪.  We generally put him down around 7, then he wakes up between 10-11, between 1-2, and again around 5 then sleeps until 7 or 8.  It feels like having a newborn again, I've been trying to keep him in the pack n play instead of our bed but I'm about ready to give that up just to get some sleep!  He's in a pretty good routine with taking 3 naps a day, an hour in the morning, a 2-3 hour one in the afternoon then a 30-45 minute one in the late afternoon.  Westley is a much better napper than Sam was but she was definitely a better night sleeper.

Eating Habits: Still exclusively nursing around 8 times a day and 4 oz bottles while I'm at work.  We're holding off on solids until probably 5 1/2 months for a couple of reasons.  I don't want to have to worry about constipation, or adding another thing to mealtime, or the diaper changes that come with introducing solids!  Since the recommendation is introducing anytime between 4-6 months I don't mind waiting until closer to 6 months.  

Accomplishments:  He has started grabbing toys and putting them in his mouth.  Still trying to roll from back to belly but hasn't quite figured it out.  Likes to take the pacifier out of his mouth and hold it.  Started giving him a bath in the big bathtub with Sam, he loves to splash with his feet.  He's started "talking" mainly when he wakes up at 5 in the morning and is just chilling in his bed.

Places we went:  Does going to Green Cove to get his birth certificate count as going somewhere??  I take them both to the library, chick fil a, the store, the park etc but I don't really venture out further than that yet.  We are going to Disney World at the end of the month which I am super excited about, we'll see how he does there though!

He's around 18 pounds now and 24 inches long, he has a long torso but short, stubby legs.  I finally had to move him up to size 3 diapers, I was being cheap since you get more diapers in the smaller sizes.  I use both cloth and disposable depending on how I'm feeling that day and if we're going somewhere.  He can fit in some 3 month stuff still but really moving up to 6-9 month.  He is a hot box, constantly has sweaty feet and hands!  With the exception of his night sleeping and hating his carseat he is still such a good baby, even when he is overtired he doesn't melt down.  He was up for 4 hours straight one evening and was fine unfortunately that didn't help him sleep better that night either.  

Here are some of my favorite pics from his fourth month:)