Sunday, June 9, 2019

Pre-K Recap and Kindergarten Plan

It's been a minute since I've posted anything but life has been crazy busy.  Since Howie started the radiology program last August I've been back to work full-time.  While it has been a definite blessing it has also been an adjustment. I've been able to work a schedule mostly opposite of Howie's so we haven't needed as much childcare and thankfully have family nearby who help us out when needed. 

Here's an update of how Pre-K went and our plans for Kindergarten!

I started Pre-K with Sam in August and while we definitely met some of the goals I had set, I also saw where I needed more discipline especially as she gets older.  We did Classical Conversations (co-op) the whole year and really enjoyed it.  Sam really does well with memorization which is what the early years of CC is, so it was a good fit.  Toward the end of the school year I ordered a language arts Level K Primer book for her from The Good and The Beautiful and really liked it!  We only got about 20 lessons in before breaking for summer so we will continue with that when we start back next month.  

My plan for her kindergarten year is to start in July and take breaks throughout the year until ending sometime in May.  She just turned 5 and in Florida I have until she's 6 to officially do anything with the school district (portfolio/intent to homeschool, etc) so I'm considering this year our test run😉.

I found this blank calendar online and used it to help figure out how many days of school we would do and when to take breaks.  All subject to change but I felt better having a plan.

I've already got all of the curriculum ordered and I've decided to stick with all The Good and the Beautiful.  Since its just kindergarten we'll be focusing on the basics of reading, writing, and math.  And then with Classical Conversations she'll get to do science experiments, fine arts, and history memorization on co-op days.  We'll also continue doing devotions and memorizing scripture.

We will finish out her Level K primer book that has about 14 lessons left before moving on to the Level K language arts.  It's a mix of phonics and sight words and includes spelling.

We're doing the Level K math, which I'm most excited about!  It's very hands-on learning and I think Sam is going to enjoy it.

And then for writing I just ordered their Handwriting Level K, it was just released in book form this week.  It was only available in PDF form previously. 

While shopping around for a curriculum, I wanted something that was open and go, affordable (spent less than $200 on everything), and hands on.  The Good and the Beautiful is all of those things and I'm really excited to see how the year goes using it.