Sunday, March 18, 2018

Westley's 5 month update

I cannot believe Westley is already 5 months old!  I love writing these monthly updates to look back on some day:)

Sleeping Patterns:  Westley is all over the place with his sleeping.  A couple of nights this month he slept a solid 6-7 hour chunk which was awesome.  Of course Sam woke up both of those nights so I still didn't get to sleep a whole night.  I'm really not sure why he's waking up so much at night, maybe he's gassy, hungry, hot, I have no idea.  He's basically in our bed the whole night because I nurse him back to sleep whenever he wakes up.  Its the easiest and fastest way to get him back to sleep.  On a positive note he's getting into a really good daytime routine.  He wakes up around 730-8, naps around 10 until 11:45-12 then goes back down around 2 until 4:30-5.  Because he wakes up pretty late from his 2nd nap we haven't been doing a 3rd nap unless we're not going to be home for him to be in bed at 7.  Sometimes I nurse him to sleep for his naps and sometimes I just lay him down and he goes to sleep pretty easily.

Eating:  We have made it to 5 months exclusively breastfeeding, the only little issues have been him not wanting to take a bottle as well recently.  One night I was at work form 3-9 and Howie was only able to get him to take one 4 oz bottle and that was broken up.  Normally he would take 2 bottles in that time frame.  It does take a little pressure off of me for making sure I pump enough.  Maybe he's eating just enough to take off the edge until he can nurse?  I just bought some baby cereal (oatmeal) to start trying in the evening, hoping it might help him sleep better although I really don't think it's because he's hungry.  I'm getting desperate though!  Still planning to wait a couple of weeks before starting other foods.  
Accomplishments:  He's not screaming as much in the car seat.  He's able to sit up unassisted for about 20-30 seconds before toppling over.  Still not rolling back to belly.  Able to grab toys and put them in his mouth to chew on.  Loves his kick and play piano.  Has to be buckled into his swing/bouncer or he shimmies himself right down.  He thinks peek-a-boo is hilarious.

Places we went:  Disney World when he was about 4 1/2 months old and he did amazing!  He napped on the go and rarely fussed.  Also got to go on some of the rides.  He slept pretty good those 2 nights we stayed because he was so worn out.  We also went to the zoo and the strawberry festival, he's really such a good baby when we're out.

Westley is around 19-20 pounds and 25 inches long.  He started what sounds like growling a week ago.  I think he was just overtired but it was pretty funny to watch.  Other than that he is a really quiet, content baby, sometimes I worry that he doesn't babble very much but try to remember every baby is different and he is a boy (they tend to babble less?).

Here are some of my favorite pictures from his 5th month!

Happy baby at Disney World.

Daddy and Westley at Animal Kingdom.

He was only terrified because Rafiki touched his arm.

Grandma and grandpa came for a quick visit!

Sleeping babies melt my heart:)

Giant smile!

Sitting like a big boy at Chick-Fil-A.

Fun at the Strawberry Festival.

Playtime with daddy

He wasn't sure what to think about sitting in the shopping cart!

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