Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Westley's 6 month update!

Has  it really already been half a year?!

Sleeping Patterns:  Not really sure if this kid has a pattern or if he's every going to sleep through the night.  He's been sick for about the last 10 days with a lot of congestion which makes sleeping rougher.  The last 3 nights though he's actually slept really well until about 4:30 in the morning when he wants to be awake for awhile.  His naps are pretty much the same and he will still nap on the go if we're out.  We recently got a king size bed so we all have a lot more space at night which helps a lot.

Eating:  Still breastfeeding, since he's been sick I've been giving him about a 1/2 oz of milk with this antibiotic in a bottle and he is terrible with a bottle!  It takes him forever to drink that small amount unlike when he nurses and gets a full feeding in less than 10 minutes.  I was doing oatmeal off and on this month and also had him try sweet potatoes.  Now that he's 6 months I really need to be getting more consistent with the solids and try to find a sippy cup that he'll take.

Accomplishments:  He finally rolled from back to belly all by himself!  He can sit unassisted for a good amount of time although I still try to put the boppy pillow behind him in case he loses balance after a while.  He found his feet.  He sits in the laundry basket in the bathtub with big sister.  He jumps and turns the seat around in his new jumperoo toy.  He likes to swing at the park.  Sam is really good at getting him to laugh.  He loves watching daddy play the guitar. 

Places we went:  We went to the strawberry festival, the clay county fair, the emergency room, Chick-Fil-A (always lol), the mall, and an Easter egg hunt.  He's getting much easier to take places its just a matter of working it around his naps.

Westley is already 21 pounds!  I'm still squeezing him into size 3 diapers because I bought a box and I'm determined to use it.  Most clothes I buy for him are 12 months so that he can wear them for a while.   I've probably said this in every update but he is still such a happy, content baby.  Even with being sick he was still smiling.  

One of our weekly trips to Chick-Fil-A.

Swinging at the park.

New toy!

Easter egg hunt at church.

Sitting up like a big boy.

Lunch time

Such big smiles

Bath time

Special delivery, he actually enjoyed being in the box lol

Sleeping in the ER, he didn't have pneumonia thankfully!

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