Saturday, October 26, 2013

9 Weeks

Our doctor's appointment finally arrived this last week!  Originally it was Tuesday but our Dr had an emergency surgery so it got delayed until Thursday.   We got to see the little baby on the ultrasound and it was awesome to see the little heartbeat.  Everything looked good and we got an official due date of June 1st.

Being able to see the baby made all this morning sickness so worth it!  The dr recommended trying some OTC medicines to help with the nausea and vomiting.  I started taking the B6 and Unisom last night and it really seemed to help I was able to sleep through the night when usually after I wake up to go to the bathroom I end up being sick for a couple of hours, not fun:(

I've noticed my pants feeling tighter to the point of it's just more comfortable to leave them unbuttoned or just wear something loose and elastic.  It's just bloating for now but I know soon enough the belly will pop, looking forward to that:)

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