Sunday, January 3, 2016

Savannah birthday trip!

In celebration (maybe more like avoidance) of turning the big 3-0, we went to Savannah for a short getaway.  We ended up leaving around Sam's nap time on Friday and got to our hotel around 4.

Howie was quite tired from his uber driving Thursday night, he was out from 10:30 to 3:30, so I drove most of the way.

We stayed at the same hotel as the last time we came up here, used to be Fairfield inn and suites now it's Baymont inn and suites.

We've discovered that Sam does not sleep well in the same room as us so sometimes we have to rig things so she can't see us while trying to go to sleep.

After getting settled in at the hotel, we headed into the historic district for an early dinner.  I wanted to eat at Wild Wing Cafe, also ate there the last time we came and ended up at the same table as then!  They have the most amazing toasted club sandwich and fries!

Howie had a fried chicken sandwich, he said it was really good, and Sam had some chicken fingers and Mac and cheese (which she ate every bit of!)

After dinner we walked around and looked in a few shops, walked along the waterfront and just enjoyed being together:)

Sam was so tired, it looks like she fell asleep here but definitely not!

I shared my chocolate covered pretzels with her:)

We got back to the hotel around 730 or so and got Sam in the bath and then bed where as I'm typing this at 8:10 am on my phone she is still asleep!  She did not wake up once last night, she is so tired from this week of late nights and short naps.

After eating breakfast and getting packed up we headed to Forsythe park.  It was a gorgeous morning to be outside playing:)

Her face doesn't look it here but she loved this merry go round.

She wanted in the fountain.

Family selfie

Love these two so much!

After playing and walking around we headed to lunch at Paula Deen's Lady and Sons.  The last time we ate here I was 6 months pregnant and couldn't eat much so I was excited to go back and completely stuff myself!  

Sam loved the corn (so much butter on it).

After lunch we walked around more and came across this random play boat that Sam loved playing in, we finally had to drag her away!

After that it was time to head home, it was a quick but fun trip.  We decided next time we go we will splurge on a hotel downtown that's within walking distance of everything.
After everything happened with Howie I didn't really want to spend the money on this trip but we had already paid for the hotel and it was Howie's birthday present to me so we decided to go and I'm so glad we did!

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