Monday, March 14, 2016

Workout plan

Ok I've got to get it together!  Samantha has completely weaned herself, which means I need to get on the ball with my weight.  When she cut down on feedings around 15 months I packed on about 20 lbs:(. Not cool and I do not want that happening with her stopping completely so here's my plan for the week.
Monday- walked 2 miles (long way to the park and back)
Tuesday- 2 miles
Wednesday- quick YouTube workout (with work and church it's hard to get anything done!)
Thursday-  walk after Sam goes to bed (we'll see how much energy I have after work)
Friday-  quick YouTube workout (Sam has story time on Friday mornings so not a lot of time)

I'm also going to up my Fitbit step goal to 12,000 instead of 10,000.

So that's my plan, hopefully by posting this it will keep me accountable!

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