Friday, April 15, 2016

The perfect day

Yesterday we celebrated 4 years of marriage and it might have been the most perfect day you could have!  
I took off work for a long weekend so we decided to spend all day Thursday with Sam since we are leaving her overnight with nana and papa Friday night.

So we headed to the zoo even though the forecast showed rain all day.  It only sprinkled a little in the beginning and the rest of the morning was nice and cool!  Sam loved carrying the umbrella around.

And playing in the water

We left the zoo around 12 and headed to lunch at our favorite Chinese buffet.  After getting Sam down for her nap around 1 she slept until 430!  I was having a major sweet tooth after she woke up so we headed to publix to get some dessert and ended up getting dinner from there too.  
We got home and decided we would just stay home for the evening so we went out to the back porch and played with Sam and Kona.  Sam practiced her batting skills and for a 2 year old I was impressed!  Had a little picnic outside then headed in to make cookies!  Sam loves to help bake although after she got her beater she had to take a book break

After baking we settled in on the sofa bed and watched The Land Before Time with Sam, which she loved.

Sam went to bed and we decided to watch another movie, we had a hard time choosing one but I had been wanting to see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  Quite a sad movie but very good.

Today we leave Sam overnight for the first time and head to Amelia Island to celebrate just the two of us.

And that was our perfect day.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Our marriage would not be what it is today without the Lord.  I am so thankful for Howie and Sam more so than I could ever share in words.  

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