Sunday, September 25, 2016

Catching Up!

Oh my, I have been in such a slump lately with this!  I've started a couple of specific posts but can't seem to get past the first couple of sentences so I'm just gonna ramble here for a bit.  I've never really done general life updates on here but I'm gonna give it a shot.

Howie just started back to school in August, he's got 2 years of pre-req's before he can apply to the radiology program.  Thankfully he can do a lot of them online which is super convenient with Sam and my work schedule.  He might also be starting a job next month, which will allow me to cut back a little at work!  And it will still give him time for school, praying it works out like we're hoping:)

In other news, we're headed to Missouri next weekend!  We will get in sometime Friday the 30th and going to be in Osceola until Thursday when we are planning to go to St Louis for a couple of days with my mom and sister until we leave to come back home.  We'll be at the fall festival at my mom's (Living Waters Ranch) on the 1st all day so hopefully we'll see a lot of people there!  We haven't been to Missouri in almost 2 years so it will be nice to catch up with family and friends there!

Sam is getting so big:(  She has really started putting words together, making full sentences.  Although usually just Howie and I know what she is saying.  We haven't taken her to the doctor recently so I have no idea her height and weight but she's into mostly size 3T clothes.  She still has a pacifier and has a sippy cup of milk before nap time and bedtime.  Both of those things we hope to wean her from once we get back from Missouri.  The sippy cup should be pretty easy but I have a feeling the pacifier is going to be a battle!  The other big change is we put a lower side on the crib to make it more like a toddler bed, she can get in and out of it on her own.  She has done really well with the adjustment!  Just shows how big she is getting:)

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