Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My girl is growing up!

I cannot believe how fast my girl is growing up!  I posted back in her 21 month update that she weaned herself from breastfeeding with no issues.  Since then we've just been giving her a sippy cup of cow's milk before nap and before bed. Our plan had been to wait until getting back from Missouri to wean her from that so we could get a little more serious with the potty training.  However, while we were in Missouri she got a stomach bug and didn't want her milk for a couple of days.  I started offering it to her again when she was feeling better and she would take the cup but didn't drink anything.  So when we got back home we just didn't offer it and lo and behold she was absolutely fine!  

Our next two things to take care of is potty training and the pacifier.  She seems ready for the potty training but I'm still not sure how hard we're going to push it. I did go ahead and buy her some underwear and she was excited to wear them but I'm sure that will wear off soon:)  

The pacifier is a whole other issue, her doctor wasn't concerned about her still having it and said that as long as it's gone by the time she is 3 or 4 that would be fine.  Our goal with that is to start limiting it to when she's in bed.  Maybe tell her the paci has to stay in bed?  We're still figuring this one out and like I said we're not in a huge rush.  She is so funny when she loses her pacifier she walks around yelling "Paci where are you?"

We've taken her to the Amazing Grace Crop Maze every year and it's so crazy to compare these pictures!  

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