Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Back at it!

If you saw my Catching Up! post you know Howie has started back to school and we were praying about a job opportunity for him.  He started last Thursday as a contract carrier delivering express mail for the post office in Gainesville.  He works Tuesday thru Saturday from 11-3 (or earlier if he's done with his route) so he's still able to do school as well.  This has allowed me to cut back a day at work and I have all mornings free with Sam.  We are so thankful the Lord opened this door for Howie!  And for the people that are helping us with Sam!

My plan is to get back to doing Tot School with Sam (I lost my motivation for a little while) and to do more with this blog.  I'm also excited for Sam to be able to have more play dates.  She would definitely benefit from having a sibling but we are still praying about the timing on that one:)  

At the library this week, she loved this car puzzle!

If you enjoy reading this blog, feel free to like or share:)  I don't always share posts on Facebook or Pinterest so if you want to follow here is the link  Simply Living

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