Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Growing Pains...

Last week was the start of our new schedule with Howie and I both working and I will admit I didn't anticipate the adjustments that would need to happen.  First off I didn't expect to get bored on my two days off during the week.  Now I will be the first to tell you that I do not do well sitting at home, I like to be out and about doing things.  And that's exactly what ended up happening those two days sooo, all my fault!  And it was just during naptime that the boredom snuck in, I felt like I should be doing something but our house is so small it's hard to do much without waking a sleeping child.  

Yes, this is just a random picture from last week;)

By Friday morning I needed a project so without putting much thought into I decided to clean out my refrigerator, no big deal, right? Well an hour into that project and I was sorely regretting it but it did need done so I guess that's a win!

This is the "after" picture, I'm too scared to post  the "before" picture!

So going forward I would like to have some kind of plan for the week so we can enjoy our time without me going crazy:)  Of course, as with anytime making plans something always happens so hopefully I can be flexible with it too.  

I'm loving my planner!

The other thing is trying to fit in family time when we have opposite schedules and Howie trying to stay caught up with school.  I can already see we are going to have to be deliberate with this and make sacrifices when needed.  

In saying all this I am in no way ungrateful for the opportunity to spend more time at home with Sam, just that like with all changes, adjustments need to be made at times.  I saw something on Facebook the other day that said "The things that worked in the old season won't necessarily work in the new season" or something to that effect lol (I knew I should have taken a screenshot of it!)  So as we're navigating our way through this "new" season, pray for us.  That God would use us, grow us, and keep us tightly bound to one another and Him.

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