Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Reflections

It is New Year's Eve and also the eve of my 32nd birthday!  I will most likely not be awake at midnight unless little man decides he wants to eat around that time😏 but I did want to take a little time to reflect on the last year and how the Lord has blessed us.

Obviously the biggest change was welcoming Westley into the world.  It's been an adjustment for sure but also a great joy.  The timing of his birth allowed me to be off work through the holidays which was a blessing!  We were able to go to Missouri for Thanksgiving, it's been probably 7 years since I had been back for a major holiday.

We also lost 2 grandparents, Howie's grandmother passed away in May just days before we got there to visit.  And my grandfather passed away the weekend before Thanksgiving, once again days before we got there to visit.  We were at least able to be there for their services and to spend more time with family.

Howie finished more classes, very successfully I might add.  He will start applying for different programs this semester and prayfully gets into one.  I continued working only four days a week which allowed me more time with Sam.  I go back to work next week but only for 2 days a week.

We survived Hurricane Irma, really the worst part was dealing with work for a good 2-3 weeks afterwards.  

I also wanted to take this time to thank everyone for supporting me with this blog and continuing to read even when I go months between posts! 
Happy New Year 2018!!

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