Friday, May 18, 2018

Westley's 7 month update

These months just go by faster and faster.

Sleeping Patterns:  Not sleeping through the night, still co-sleeping.  I keep telling myself it won't be like this forever.  The last week he's been waking up between 6 and 6:30 which means he needs 3 naps.  For the most part he goes down easily for naps and takes decent ones.  

Eating Habits:  Still breastfeeding, no interest in solids.  I've been trying for 2 months now, taking breaks now and then to give him time to be ready but he turns his head and closes his mouth as soon as he sees the spoon.  We've had slight success with the Munchkin Baby Food Feeder, I'll put a link at the end for it.  He mainly just chews on it but once in awhile food gets in his mouth and its easier to clean than the mesh feeder.  He still has such a strong gag reflex so as soon as that's gone we should have better luck.  He's nursing 5-6 times per day and then throughout the night whenever he wakes up.  He likes playing with my hand while he's nursing and Howie says Westley rubs his arm while taking a bottle.  Still not great with a bottle.

Accomplishments:  Just started pushing himself backwards.  He's trying so hard to push up on his knees but hasn't quite figured it out.  He gives slobbery kisses.  Sits up unassisted for long periods of time.  Loves splashing in the bathtub.  Went in the pool for the first time and seemed to enjoy it.  He's starting reaching for Howie and I to pick him up.  Sits in the front of the cart when we go to the store.  Got his 6 month pictures taken, he did really good even though it was naptime.  He loves his wubbanub (link below) and is able to grab it and put it in his mouth on his own which is nice.

Places we went:  All the normal places; library, Chick-Fil-A, park, mall, zoo, and church.

Westley now weighs around 22 pounds!  He's in size 4 diapers and 6-12 month clothes.  Any clothes I buy are size 12 month so he can wear them for awhile.  He doesn't have any teeth and I honestly can't tell if he's teething.  Sam didn't get her first teeth until she was 17 months old so I'm not sure if he's going to be the same.  He's still our happy, easy baby!

Here's some of my favorite pictures from his 7th month!

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