Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Westley's 8 month update

Sleeping Patterns:  He's sleeping quite a bit better at night, maybe waking up twice, sometimes I feed him in my sleep lol.  Wakes up super early some mornings and won't go back to sleep.  Just transitioned to a 2 nap schedule, a 1-2 hour nap in the  morning and 1-2 hours in the afternoon.  Bedtime is usually around 7.  We've put him in the crib a couple of times but really we sleep better with him in our room right now.  

Eating Habits:  Nursing 5-6 times a day, when he's tired he wants to nurse as well, sometimes he just has a little snack before going to sleep.  He doesn't really nurse to sleep anymore, only if he's super tired.  We've had a little more success with solids.  It seems he likes actual solids not the purees.  A lot of times he will just play with whatever food we give him but occasionally he will go to town on it.  He seemed to really like zucchini, broccoli,  and strawberries.  We've also tried eggs, banana/egg pancakes, shredded cheese, banana, green beans, and cauliflower.

Accomplishments/likes/dislikes:  He's trying so hard to crawl, my guess is within the next 2 weeks he will be on the move.  He pushes up on his knees, rocks, and can move one knee forward before he gives up or falls down.  He will cry if you take away a toy he wants.  He plays independently really well.  Loves to watch Sam.  He really enjoys music, if the tv is on and a song randomly comes on he immediately looks and starts smiling.  He doesn't like getting dressed.  Enjoys chilling in the pool once he gets used to the water temp.  A couple of weeks ago he started saying "dada".  

Places we went:  All the usuals again this month, the zoo, lots of early morning trips to the park, swimming at nana and papa's, chick-fil-a (at least once a week), and the library.

Westley now weighs around 23 pounds.  At his WIC appointment they said he's in the 97th percentile in weight and 35th percentile in height  He's in size 5 diapers and 9-12 month clothes.  He had another ear infection, so hard to get medicine into that kid!  He got a lot of one on one time with us while Sam was in Missouri for 12 days.  He now has 2 teeth!  

Some favorite pics from his 8th month!

Sleeping through IKEA 

Wrestling with his cousin.

Trying out the crib.

He likes his new walker.

Finally eating some food, zucchini.

He likes playing at the park.

Two teeth!

He loves playing daddy's guitar.

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