Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sam's Pre-K School Plan/Mini Life Update

I wanted to write a little post sharing what our plan is for this fall!  Most of you probably know Howie got into the Radiology Tech program that starts in August.  We were so excited to find out he was 1 of 17 to be accepted.  He started his prerequisites 2 years ago with hopes of getting into this limited access program.  The Lord has opened doors from the very beginning and we're looking forward to what He'll do in our lives over the next couple of years especially.  

Howie will be driving to St. Augustine (45 minutes-1 hour away depending on traffic) 5 days a week for the first half of the fall semester.  The 2nd half he will be doing clinicals 2 days a week and classes 3 days a week. I will start working more, ideally 4 days a week since he won't be able to work.  This will require more juggling with our schedules so we won't need childcare hopefully.  

I am also starting Pre-K with Sam.  We've signed up for Classical Conversations which meets once a week for about 3 hours.  Sam has been really excited about "going" to school.  We'll also be doing some school at home, although I'm probably going to have to lower my expectations a bit with all the adjusting that will need to happen.  A few of my goals for her Pre-K year are to read at least 20 minutes per day, make it to the library once a week, letter recognition/sounds, number recognition, and lots of playing.  I had originally wanted to go ahead and teach her to read this year but I don't really want that pressure on either of us right now.  I'm ok with waiting until she's in Kindergarten for that. 

Westley is such an easy going little guy that I'm hoping he's able to just roll with punches and will adjust well to me working more.  I'm incredibly thankful that I've been able to be home with him as much as I have.  

They are our world.  
Contemplating a post on books/materials/supplies I've chosen for Sam's Pre-K, let me know what you think!

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