Monday, November 12, 2018

Westley’s one year update!

I did good for a few months with the updates but life has gotten crazy and time has gotten away from me!  Westley is already almost 13 months old!

Sleeping patterns:  Wakes up around 7 or so most mornings, goes to bed around 7.  Doesn’t sleep through the night, still co-sleeping.  He usually takes a solid 2 hour nap in the morning around 9:30-10 o’clock and a shorter nap in the afternoon.  If we’re out doing something he can usually stay awake until the afternoon and take one long nap but when we’re home he definitely lets me know when he’s tired.

Eating Habits:  We’re still breastfeeding and I’m still pumping at work although I’m only getting 4-6 oz now while he generally drinks 8 oz (He gets the difference from my frozen stash) when I’m gone.  We’re working on getting him on a 3 meal 2 snack schedule so that he can transition more to that and less milk.  He will try just about anything we offer.  His favorites are tomatoes, zucchini, string cheese, blueberries, strawberries, avocado, Mac n cheese.  Trying to get him to drink more water out of the sippy cup.

Accomplishments/likes/dislikes:  He learned a ton of stuff in just the last month.  He’ll stand for about 10-15 seconds by himself, claps, waves, points, plays peek a boo, shakes his head no, and finally said mama!

Westley weighs around 24 lbs still and is 27 inches long.  He hasn’t really gained weight the last few months but he did grow length wise.  He’s mainly in 12-18 month clothing and size 5 diapers.  He has 3 teeth now with a 4th one that looks like it’s breaking through.  He had his 5th ear infection so we finally got a referral to an ENT, his appointment is this week.  He’s definitely not as quiet as he used to be, he found his voice and knows what he wants.  He isn’t afraid to fight sister for toys either.  He’s very much a mama’s boy especially at night!  I was in the hospital overnight a couple of weeks ago, it was our first night apart and Howie said he just screamed and cried for 2 hours until he finally went to sleep:(

Here's some of my favorite pictures from the last month.

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