Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 7 of Tot School

This week went a lot better than last week!  We got into a little bit of a routine and back with learning.

On Monday we spent some time at the park and then introduced the Letter J.

She loved making a pumpkin.

We also pulled out the pipe cleaners for some fine motor skills work.  I'm telling you these things are the best for occupying her while I try to do some housework!  And to make it even better they all tend to stick to each other so I just grab them by the handful and stuff them in a freezer bag for storage.

On Tuesday we headed to the library.  They cancelled story hour for the next two weeks because they are an early voting site but she still enjoys going to play and get a few books.  She's recently been obsessed with this car puzzle, she can do it all by herself now:)

Wednesday was one of my days off so we headed to the zoo!  One of our favorite things to do, while we were there we went ahead and renewed our membership. Definitely worth it!

Before church that night we decided to do a little baking.  I was hoping to find a pumpkin bread mix that would taste like the recipe from scratch that I have and this one tasted ok but definitely not as good.

Thursday we headed to the park since it was nice out and she played for a good hour and still didn't want to leave.  We stopped at the store on the way home and ended up getting some new play doh which has been a big hit!

Originally I had planned a baking post with a pumpkin recipe I had found on Pinterest but they did not turn out well.  It didn't taste terrible there was just no flavor.  I was pretty bummed because it looked so easy and tasty.

However on Friday, Pinterest came through with this shape/color sticks.  Ridiculously easy to make, Sam enjoyed playing with them but didn't quite get the matching concept.

I've noticed the last couple of weeks she has really been picking up quickly on the letters.  Before it would take her the whole week to remember the new letter now she knows it the first day!  Her vocabulary has also been increasing ten fold, everyday she's saying new words and putting sentences together!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Growing Pains...

Last week was the start of our new schedule with Howie and I both working and I will admit I didn't anticipate the adjustments that would need to happen.  First off I didn't expect to get bored on my two days off during the week.  Now I will be the first to tell you that I do not do well sitting at home, I like to be out and about doing things.  And that's exactly what ended up happening those two days sooo, all my fault!  And it was just during naptime that the boredom snuck in, I felt like I should be doing something but our house is so small it's hard to do much without waking a sleeping child.  

Yes, this is just a random picture from last week;)

By Friday morning I needed a project so without putting much thought into I decided to clean out my refrigerator, no big deal, right? Well an hour into that project and I was sorely regretting it but it did need done so I guess that's a win!

This is the "after" picture, I'm too scared to post  the "before" picture!

So going forward I would like to have some kind of plan for the week so we can enjoy our time without me going crazy:)  Of course, as with anytime making plans something always happens so hopefully I can be flexible with it too.  

I'm loving my planner!

The other thing is trying to fit in family time when we have opposite schedules and Howie trying to stay caught up with school.  I can already see we are going to have to be deliberate with this and make sacrifices when needed.  

In saying all this I am in no way ungrateful for the opportunity to spend more time at home with Sam, just that like with all changes, adjustments need to be made at times.  I saw something on Facebook the other day that said "The things that worked in the old season won't necessarily work in the new season" or something to that effect lol (I knew I should have taken a screenshot of it!)  So as we're navigating our way through this "new" season, pray for us.  That God would use us, grow us, and keep us tightly bound to one another and Him.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Back at it!

If you saw my Catching Up! post you know Howie has started back to school and we were praying about a job opportunity for him.  He started last Thursday as a contract carrier delivering express mail for the post office in Gainesville.  He works Tuesday thru Saturday from 11-3 (or earlier if he's done with his route) so he's still able to do school as well.  This has allowed me to cut back a day at work and I have all mornings free with Sam.  We are so thankful the Lord opened this door for Howie!  And for the people that are helping us with Sam!

My plan is to get back to doing Tot School with Sam (I lost my motivation for a little while) and to do more with this blog.  I'm also excited for Sam to be able to have more play dates.  She would definitely benefit from having a sibling but we are still praying about the timing on that one:)  

At the library this week, she loved this car puzzle!

If you enjoy reading this blog, feel free to like or share:)  I don't always share posts on Facebook or Pinterest so if you want to follow here is the link  Simply Living

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My girl is growing up!

I cannot believe how fast my girl is growing up!  I posted back in her 21 month update that she weaned herself from breastfeeding with no issues.  Since then we've just been giving her a sippy cup of cow's milk before nap and before bed. Our plan had been to wait until getting back from Missouri to wean her from that so we could get a little more serious with the potty training.  However, while we were in Missouri she got a stomach bug and didn't want her milk for a couple of days.  I started offering it to her again when she was feeling better and she would take the cup but didn't drink anything.  So when we got back home we just didn't offer it and lo and behold she was absolutely fine!  

Our next two things to take care of is potty training and the pacifier.  She seems ready for the potty training but I'm still not sure how hard we're going to push it. I did go ahead and buy her some underwear and she was excited to wear them but I'm sure that will wear off soon:)  

The pacifier is a whole other issue, her doctor wasn't concerned about her still having it and said that as long as it's gone by the time she is 3 or 4 that would be fine.  Our goal with that is to start limiting it to when she's in bed.  Maybe tell her the paci has to stay in bed?  We're still figuring this one out and like I said we're not in a huge rush.  She is so funny when she loses her pacifier she walks around yelling "Paci where are you?"

We've taken her to the Amazing Grace Crop Maze every year and it's so crazy to compare these pictures!