Saturday, July 18, 2015

8 months old

Sleeping patterns:  She is doing really well in her crib however when she wakes up I'm the only one that can calm her down.  If Howie goes in there she just cries and looks at the door waiting for me to come in then I have to nurse her to get her to calm down.

Eating habits:  Eating all kinds of baby food now.

New discoveries:  Cords!  Ugh she tries to get them all!  We literally cannot take our eyes off of her or she goes straight for them.

Accomplishments:  She started crawling and pulled herself up in the crib.  We did finally lower the crib after that.

Places we went:  First trip to urgent care.  She had been sick off and of since december and on New years day the wheezing and coughing was just too much so we went to carespot and they gave her a breathing treatment and prescribed an inhaler.  We had a follow up with her pediatrician who diagnosed her with asthma and got a nebulizer for home.  Was not easy giving her breathing treatments.  She also had a double ear infection:(

Special memories: She finally said mama and dada although I hate to say it she did say dada first.  She also had her first cousin sleepover with Harley.  And got a new cousin, Scarlett.  Sam did not like Howie holding the new baby, definitely a jealous girl!

7 months old

Sleeping patterns:  Finally transitioned Sam to her own room and her crib.  And she has started falling asleep on her own instead of us needing to hold her.

Eating habits:  She is nursing around 5 times a day and 2-3 times at night.  Usually have oatmeal with milk and fruit for breakfast and a veggie later in the day.  I had hoped to do baby led weaning and skip purees but I chickened out for fear of choking.

New discoveries:  She's started scooting and getting into everything!

Accomplishments:  She plays with her toys, puts her toes in her mouth and moves wherever she can.

Places we went:  We survived her first plane ride.  My grandpa Kottwitz passed away so we flew to Missouri for a few days right before Christmas.  She did really well on the flight actually.  We also went to Silver Dollar City while we were there with my mom, Laurie, Isaiah, Levi, and Aubri.  Loved seeing all the lights, it was a late night but so worth it.

Special memories:  We got to spend Christmas with my family which we haven't done in YEARS.  Saying goodbye to Grandpa, seeing ALL of my extended family and they all got to meet Sam.  Sadly it didn't snow while we were there, maybe next time.

6 months old

Sleeping patterns:  We finally got tired of bouncing her to sleep so Howie let Sam cry it out for the first time.  So glad it wasn't me!  We are also finally on a nap schedule.

Eating habits:  Still breastfeeding and have let her try a few other things like bananas, peas, lemon, tomato, and sour cream.

New discoveries:  She loves to grab at anything she can get her hands on.

Accomplishments:  I finally let her stay in the nursery on Sunday mornings at church.  For the last couple months I've felt guilty leaving her in there since I miss so much while I'm at work but I finally let her.  She has also figured out how to scoot backwards.

Places we went:  We took Sam to North Carolina to meet Howie's grandma and grandpa.  It was not a fun 7 hour drive, Sam would not fall asleep in the car.  Thankfully she didn't cry to much so it could have been a lot worse!  It was freezing up there but beautiful, we got some nice pics of her playing in the leaves.  Grandma just wanted to hold her the whole time and Sam of course cooperated with that. We got back to town just in time to go out to lunch for Howie's birthday.

Special memories:  First Thanksgiving, got to try mashed potatoes, started drinking a little water out of a sippy cup.

Friday, July 3, 2015

5 months old

Sleeping patterns:  We finally transitioned Sam to the pack n play from the rock n play, still waking up at night, 3 naps a day and bedtime is a little earlier between 7-8.

Eating habits:  Nursing/bottles around 8-9 times a day, tried a few solids but waiting till 6 months to really get started on that.

New discoveries:  Her feet, love when she sticks her toes in her mouth so cute!

Accomplishments:  Rolling all around the floor and very close to sitting up all by herself!

Places we went:  We took her to the park for the first time, she loved the swing.  Also we went to the Amazing grace crop maze, they had all kinds of stuff for kids to do.  Pumpkin patch, corn crib, petting zoo, etc.  She's going to really love it next year when she's a little older.

Special memories:  We've moved her to the big bath tub and she loves it!  When we rock her to sleep she reaches up to touch our faces, so sweet.

It was a bit of a rough month in that she rolled off the changing table!  Ugh I felt so horrible thankfully she was fine just scared her:(. And we ended up at the dr office for a bad rash around her chin, jaws and cheeks that wouldn't go away and really seemed to bother her.  Dr said it was eczema and prescribed a cream to help, which it definitely did!

4 months old

Sleeping patterns:  We finally have Sam on a schedule of sorts, bedtime is at 8 and she's usually up for the day at 7 am.  She's taking 3 naps a day which we end up bouncing and holding her the whole time:(

Eating habits:  Still nursing the same, she does seem to go longer between feedings while I'm at work, we think she prefers her milk from the source:)

New discoveries:  She is actually playing with some of her little toys and loves peek a boo!

Accomplishments:  Started rolling over more often!

Places we went:  Sam does not like riding in the car so we pretty much go to church and Howie's parents house.

Special memories:  All the laughter, she thinks her daddy is hilarious.

She weighs 14 lbs 2 oz and is 24.5 inches

Thursday, July 2, 2015

3 months old

Sleeping patterns: The nights of sleeping through the night are gone:(. The 3 month growth spurt happened so she has started waking up for extra feedings.  Also only taking short cat naps which are not fun.

Eating habits: Still going strong with nursing.

New discoveries:  She sucked on her thumb finally.

Accomplishments:  At church one morning, she was laying on the floor and just randomly rolled over!  I'm pretty sure it just scared her cause she hasn't done it since.

Places we went:  Well Sam is quite the fussy baby when she doesn't get her naps so we stay home a lot!

Special memories:  My sister, nephew, and parents came down to visit the week before I had to go back to work.  They spoiled Sam like crazy!  And Sam went swimming for the first time at the hotel they were staying at.

She now weighs 13.3 lbs and is 24 inches long

2 months old

Sleeping patterns:  Pretty consistently sleeping 8-10 hours at night!  Ah sleep:)

Eating habits:  After sleeping so long at night she is starving in the morning!  Then in the evenings she is eating about every 1 1/2-2 hours.

New discoveries:  She loves when we read to her especially Dr. Seuss books.

Accomplishments:  She is getting much better at holding her head up and held onto a toy for the first time.  She's also started cooing and smiling at us.

Places we went:  I took her on her first trip to the library and she stayed awake with no fussing the whole time:)

Special memories:  We got family pictures taken and they turned out so good!

Samantha is now 11 lbs 9 oz and 22 1/4 inches all on mama's milk!

Samantha's birth story

Samantha Ayn Butler
May 29, 2014
5:26 pm
8 lbs 3 oz
20 1/2 inches
Blue eyes
Full head of black hair

It's funny but it definitely didn't go as planned, it rarely does I've heard. My plan was to stay at home and labor as long as possible, have a friend from church come over and help us decide when to go to the hospital, no drugs, etc... Well I started having some contractions Wednesday night but they were pretty far apart and I was still able to go to sleep so I figured just Braxton hicks. Then I got up around 3 am to go to the bathroom and I had bloody show so I started freaking out a bit cause that usually means baby will be coming sooner rather then later, then at 330 on my way to the bathroom again my water broke! So there went my plan of laboring at home because they want you to come in as soon as your water breaks because of risk of infection. So we head to the hospital at 4 and by that time the contractions were 1-2 minutes apart (evidently when your water breaks the contractions speed up). We got checked in and when they checked my progress I was only 2 cm dilated! Seriously?! 1-2 minutes apart and back labor because she was sunny side up, and they had me hooked up to everything and sitting in a bed (not a comfortable way to labor btw) I decided shortly after that to try the IV pain meds to get some relief and that worked for a couple of hours but they contractions were still so stinking close together that around 4-5 cm I decided to just get the epidural. I'll be honest I'm so glad I did! Besides them screwing it up and having to do it twice anyway it was amazing to be able to sleep and have relief. I do think it slowed the labor down a bit, it took forever to go from 9 to 10 cm, that's when I started getting a fever and they gave me IV antibiotics. By the time the nurse wanted me to start pushing I was able to feel some pressure so I could tell when a contraction was coming which helped with the pushing. At first she said it could still be a couple of hours but then after pushing through 3 contractions she tells me to stop so she can call the dr she didn't know I was going to be such a good pusher lol, so the dr comes about 30 minutes later and the next contraction she was out. She came so fast that I had a 3rd degree tear (not pleasant) and she had a 103 degree fever which is why she was in the NICU. They did give us about 30 minutes with her after we were both all cleaned up so I could nurse her.
So lesson learned if you want a natural birth don't let your water break;)

1 month old

Better late than never but I've been keeping up with Samantha's baby book so I'll be transferring it here:)

Sleeping patterns:  For the first 3 weeks, Sam definitely had her days and nights confused but after that she started sleeping 4-6 hours at night, sometimes longer!

Eating habits:  Oh my she eats so much,  I feel like I'm always nursing her.  I am glad that we haven't really had any issues as far as breastfeeding goes, she nurses like a champ.

New discoveries:  Her thumb!  She's been trying to get it in her mouth for a week.

Accomplishments:  At 3 weeks, she slept for 5 hours straight in the bassinet!

Places we went:  When Sam was one month old we road tripped to Missouri for a week.  It was an 18 hour drive and she traveled so well!  On our way back she actually slept for over 8 hours in the hotel room, it was amazing!

Special memories:  In Missouri, Samantha got to meet all her great grandparents and most of the family on my side.