Thursday, July 2, 2015

Samantha's birth story

Samantha Ayn Butler
May 29, 2014
5:26 pm
8 lbs 3 oz
20 1/2 inches
Blue eyes
Full head of black hair

It's funny but it definitely didn't go as planned, it rarely does I've heard. My plan was to stay at home and labor as long as possible, have a friend from church come over and help us decide when to go to the hospital, no drugs, etc... Well I started having some contractions Wednesday night but they were pretty far apart and I was still able to go to sleep so I figured just Braxton hicks. Then I got up around 3 am to go to the bathroom and I had bloody show so I started freaking out a bit cause that usually means baby will be coming sooner rather then later, then at 330 on my way to the bathroom again my water broke! So there went my plan of laboring at home because they want you to come in as soon as your water breaks because of risk of infection. So we head to the hospital at 4 and by that time the contractions were 1-2 minutes apart (evidently when your water breaks the contractions speed up). We got checked in and when they checked my progress I was only 2 cm dilated! Seriously?! 1-2 minutes apart and back labor because she was sunny side up, and they had me hooked up to everything and sitting in a bed (not a comfortable way to labor btw) I decided shortly after that to try the IV pain meds to get some relief and that worked for a couple of hours but they contractions were still so stinking close together that around 4-5 cm I decided to just get the epidural. I'll be honest I'm so glad I did! Besides them screwing it up and having to do it twice anyway it was amazing to be able to sleep and have relief. I do think it slowed the labor down a bit, it took forever to go from 9 to 10 cm, that's when I started getting a fever and they gave me IV antibiotics. By the time the nurse wanted me to start pushing I was able to feel some pressure so I could tell when a contraction was coming which helped with the pushing. At first she said it could still be a couple of hours but then after pushing through 3 contractions she tells me to stop so she can call the dr she didn't know I was going to be such a good pusher lol, so the dr comes about 30 minutes later and the next contraction she was out. She came so fast that I had a 3rd degree tear (not pleasant) and she had a 103 degree fever which is why she was in the NICU. They did give us about 30 minutes with her after we were both all cleaned up so I could nurse her.
So lesson learned if you want a natural birth don't let your water break;)

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