Thursday, July 2, 2015

3 months old

Sleeping patterns: The nights of sleeping through the night are gone:(. The 3 month growth spurt happened so she has started waking up for extra feedings.  Also only taking short cat naps which are not fun.

Eating habits: Still going strong with nursing.

New discoveries:  She sucked on her thumb finally.

Accomplishments:  At church one morning, she was laying on the floor and just randomly rolled over!  I'm pretty sure it just scared her cause she hasn't done it since.

Places we went:  Well Sam is quite the fussy baby when she doesn't get her naps so we stay home a lot!

Special memories:  My sister, nephew, and parents came down to visit the week before I had to go back to work.  They spoiled Sam like crazy!  And Sam went swimming for the first time at the hotel they were staying at.

She now weighs 13.3 lbs and is 24 inches long

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