Saturday, July 18, 2015

7 months old

Sleeping patterns:  Finally transitioned Sam to her own room and her crib.  And she has started falling asleep on her own instead of us needing to hold her.

Eating habits:  She is nursing around 5 times a day and 2-3 times at night.  Usually have oatmeal with milk and fruit for breakfast and a veggie later in the day.  I had hoped to do baby led weaning and skip purees but I chickened out for fear of choking.

New discoveries:  She's started scooting and getting into everything!

Accomplishments:  She plays with her toys, puts her toes in her mouth and moves wherever she can.

Places we went:  We survived her first plane ride.  My grandpa Kottwitz passed away so we flew to Missouri for a few days right before Christmas.  She did really well on the flight actually.  We also went to Silver Dollar City while we were there with my mom, Laurie, Isaiah, Levi, and Aubri.  Loved seeing all the lights, it was a late night but so worth it.

Special memories:  We got to spend Christmas with my family which we haven't done in YEARS.  Saying goodbye to Grandpa, seeing ALL of my extended family and they all got to meet Sam.  Sadly it didn't snow while we were there, maybe next time.

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