Saturday, July 18, 2015

6 months old

Sleeping patterns:  We finally got tired of bouncing her to sleep so Howie let Sam cry it out for the first time.  So glad it wasn't me!  We are also finally on a nap schedule.

Eating habits:  Still breastfeeding and have let her try a few other things like bananas, peas, lemon, tomato, and sour cream.

New discoveries:  She loves to grab at anything she can get her hands on.

Accomplishments:  I finally let her stay in the nursery on Sunday mornings at church.  For the last couple months I've felt guilty leaving her in there since I miss so much while I'm at work but I finally let her.  She has also figured out how to scoot backwards.

Places we went:  We took Sam to North Carolina to meet Howie's grandma and grandpa.  It was not a fun 7 hour drive, Sam would not fall asleep in the car.  Thankfully she didn't cry to much so it could have been a lot worse!  It was freezing up there but beautiful, we got some nice pics of her playing in the leaves.  Grandma just wanted to hold her the whole time and Sam of course cooperated with that. We got back to town just in time to go out to lunch for Howie's birthday.

Special memories:  First Thanksgiving, got to try mashed potatoes, started drinking a little water out of a sippy cup.

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