Thursday, July 2, 2015

1 month old

Better late than never but I've been keeping up with Samantha's baby book so I'll be transferring it here:)

Sleeping patterns:  For the first 3 weeks, Sam definitely had her days and nights confused but after that she started sleeping 4-6 hours at night, sometimes longer!

Eating habits:  Oh my she eats so much,  I feel like I'm always nursing her.  I am glad that we haven't really had any issues as far as breastfeeding goes, she nurses like a champ.

New discoveries:  Her thumb!  She's been trying to get it in her mouth for a week.

Accomplishments:  At 3 weeks, she slept for 5 hours straight in the bassinet!

Places we went:  When Sam was one month old we road tripped to Missouri for a week.  It was an 18 hour drive and she traveled so well!  On our way back she actually slept for over 8 hours in the hotel room, it was amazing!

Special memories:  In Missouri, Samantha got to meet all her great grandparents and most of the family on my side.

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