Tuesday, December 15, 2015

18 months

Sleeping patterns:  Finally consistently sleeping through the night!!!  We've been on a pretty good schedule of sleeping 7-7 and napping from 12-2 or 230.

Eating habits:  Still nursing 3-4 times a day, although if we're home and I'm sitting on the couch or in her room she takes that as an open invitation to nurse all she wants!  Gets a little annoying but I can easily distract her if I'm feeling touched out.  Still have a hard time getting her to eat meat but pretty much anything else she goes to town on.

Every morning she has some banana/egg pancakes and then has what we call her" 2nd breakfast" of oatmeal.

New discoveries:  She found her belly button and loves to point at it and say "belly button".

Accomplishments:  Sam can say around 20 words, however there are some words such as Nana that I know she can say but is so stinking stubborn that she refuses!  She loves to help in the kitchen, anytime she sees me start to make something she pulls up a chair and climbs up to help.

 Places we went:  We went to see Veggie Tales live and Sam loved it!  She was dancing in the aisle and did not take her eyes off the stage, so fun!  We also recently got season passes to the zoo so we've made a couple trips there, Sam loves to ride the carousel and is not happy when it's over.

Teeth:  Finally some teeth are making an appearance, although out of order!  So far she has one of her bottom teeth and 3 molars!  She surprisingly hasn't been too cranky with them coming in:)

Thanksgiving Day, Grandma sent a pretty dress for her to wear and the other picture is Howie's crazy family!

Few more pictures from her 18th month

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