Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Saving money

My finance degree has proven somewhat useful in that for the last few years, I've set up my paycheck so that 10% goes into an emergency savings account.  While we do use that every 6 months to pay car insurance we do have some saved up for emergency situations.  We are hopeful that Howie will find something soon so that we don't have to dip into it but it is nice to know its there.  

Thankfully I had most of our Christmas shopping done before this all happened and I don't think I spent more than $7 a piece on any one gift for Sam:). 

We've always been somewhat frugle but we've been brainstorming ways to save even more money.  Here are some things we've come up with so far.

1.  Howie found a deal on our internet to downgrade and save around $15/month.

2.  Going back to cloth diapers (provided we can figure out why they were giving Sam a rash.)

3.  No more eating out on the weekends.  As you can tell from my weekend recap post we tend to eat out a lot on the weekends, usually never during the week though.

4.  Eating leftovers better.  Utilizing all the food in our pantry to lower our grocery bill.

5.  Packing snacks from home better so I'm not making impulse purchases at work.

The other thing we're contemplating doing is the cash envelope system to help stay within a budget.  This would especially be important with our grocery budget because I tend to impulse buy when I do the shopping and end up spending more money.

Anyone have other money saving ideas??  

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