Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas weekend recap

I already over loaded Facebook with pics from Christmas morning so I'll try not to go too crazy here;)

This was one of my favorites though.

Christmas Eve we ended up spending the day and night at Howie's parents, I get homesick around the holidays so it's nice to be around his family.  My mom does usually try to make a trip down to see us either before or after Christmas which is always fun.

It was so warm down here this is what she wore on Christmas Eve!

So many bubbles

We really didn't do much except wrap presents, lots of presents!  And after  Sam went to bed, I got to catch up on one of my hallmark shows "When Calls the Heart", Howie loved getting to watch it with me;)
For some reason we stayed up until almost midnight!  Not smart since we knew Sam would be up at 7 as usual.  After breakfast we let Sam open her presents from us before everybody else came over.  She took forever to open them, she kept getting distracted!

When the rest of the family showed up, Howie read the story of Jesus' birth then it was time for gifts.  It was a bit of a madhouse with the 4 grandkids but so fun.  The 3 youngest just wanted to play with each other's gifts, funny to watch.

After Sam went down for her nap, it was time to get some baking done.  Of course I didn't get any pictures but I made an Oreo dessert and Hershey kiss/pretzel/m&m treats.  

We headed to one of Howie's cousin's house for dinner with his extended family.  Sam enjoyed running around with the other kids and the food was delicious!

On Saturday Howie had worship practice at noon so we just had a lazy morning until he left.

When Sam woke up from her nap we went to the church to meet Howie and head to St. Augustine to see the lights.  There were SO many people there!  But it was fun just walking around and showing Sam the lights.

After church on Sunday, had leftovers for lunch and dinner and another lazy afternoon/evening.

Tried to get a pic of these two cousins in nursery but Sam was not having it.

And that was our fun weekend, so glad I was able to have a little time off work to enjoy it with Howie and Sam.  We would also like to thank everyone for their prayers, words of encouragement, and support this past week. It has meant so much to us!  Feel free to share, like or subscribe to our blogs:)

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