Monday, December 21, 2015

Weekend recap!

Friday night we went and had dinner at China Buffet, love buffets with a baby, no waiting on food!  Sam loves the spinach there.  Her reward...cake:). 

Then we headed to Christmas on Crystal Springs, it's a house that does an awesome light/music show.  This was our second year seeing it and this year they shared the gospel as well, so cool!

Saturday was a bit of a wash as Howie had worship practice and then he's also helping the kids with the Christmas song they're doing Sunday so they had practice for that as well.  Sam and I did make it to the park for a little while, it was cold!


Then went to La Nopelera for dinner with Howie's parents and ice cream at Steak 'n Shake.

Sam actually slept in until 8 Sunday morning which made us run late but so worth it! 

 After church we headed to Gator's for lunch (we ate out a lot this weekend!)  I had hoped to do something Sunday evening but we ended up being lazy and just hanging out at Howie's parents.  Although we did take Sam around their neighborhood to see the lights.  

So our last weekend before Christmas was not terribly productive, but did get some good family time in and that is more important anyway:)

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