Tuesday, January 10, 2017

21 Day Fix Initial Review

I don't know about anybody else but to get back on track with healthy eating and exercising sometimes I gotta spend a little money.  With the thought being if I spend money on it (knowing how frugal we are) I'm more likely to stick with it, at least to get my money's worth:)  This time I went with the 21 day fix from beach body.  We did P90X a few years ago and I really liked the workouts but I just don't have time for hour plus workouts anymore or the patience to be honest.

What I like initially liked about this program is that the workouts are 30 minutes which is perfect for what I can do and the eating isn't as restrictive as other programs we've done.  Also its only 21 days which really isn't that long and I'm hoping to "reset" my body and get down a few pounds before getting pregnant again at some point.

Last week before I received everything in the mail I decided to go ahead and get a little jumpstart.  Which means getting some fruits and veggies and buying some new workout clothes:). I found this shake at work (Walgreens) on clearance for $5, can't beat that deal! I like to use the Spark from Advocare for an extra energy boost and to get more water.  I would also like to get some measuring tape before starting to see the difference there.

The top left picture is supposed to be of my new workout clothes, however, Howie informed me it looks like just a picture of my feet.  It's much easier to add a caption then remake that picture lol.

My first impression when I opened the box is how small the containers are😳.  However I started the eating part on Monday before this all came in the mail and I felt like I was pretty accurate with serving sizes until I got home and saw the actual serving sizes!  I hadn't planned on ordering the shakeology but they had a free offer so I'll try it for a week.  I read through most of the eating plan and something that really stood out was the substitutions page, it says "Three times a week, you can replace a yellow container with a treat".  I like this because I'm hoping it will help me not to feel deprived even if I don't eat a treat knowing that there is an option for it can be helpful mentally.  There is also an app (free) to help track your containers and workouts for each of the 21 days.


I'm hoping to share more each week on how it's going.  You can do anything for 3 weeks, right???  Now off to do the first workout!

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