Wednesday, January 25, 2017

21 Day Fix- Week 2

Alright let's start off with a little honesty!  I didn't really want to write this post:(. I've been pretty bummed this week because after the initial 3 lbs lost, I lost 1 lb at the beginning of the week.  That means basically all week I have weighed the exact same.  And the thing is, I've been sticking to the meal plan (mostly) and doing the workouts!  I'm hoping it's just the whole gaining muscle thing but it seriously doesn't help my motivation.  I need to be able to see some results.  However, I have 1 week left and I'm determined to finish it strong and see what happens.  This is where taking measurements beforehand would have come in handy.  I'm not sore from the workouts anymore and this is the week that they give an option of 2 workouts a day so I'm going to try that, at least a few days.  Edited to add I have definitely noticed a difference in flexibility, can actually touch my toes with some of the stretches.  And my sweet tooth has not tempted me like I thought it would either.

A few things that might be hendering me is I don't drink near enough water and not eating enough protein.  Those are my goals for the week.

I tried this combination for a protein shake and it tasted ok but was way too thick.  If we had ice that might have helped.


I really like the corn tortillas, added some scrambled eggs, little cheese and salsa, made a pretty tasty breakfast.


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