Friday, January 13, 2017

Tot School Week 8

It was my original goal to start back to tot school with Sam on Monday but between Howie starting school back that day, a doctor's appointment, a grocery store run, and having to be at work at 1, I pushed it back to Tuesday.  I'm going to try have a bit more of a routine with her and "school" so she starts to know what to expect each day.

On Tuesday we started with praying and our bible story, I want to read a page each day of her little bible. And also worked on her memory verse from Sunday school which was "God is our provider".  I didn't think about it until Thursday but I could have done creation crafts with her each day since that's what we were reading.  Next week I'll read ahead and see what extra we can do.


After bible study we moved onto our new letter "M" and I was also trying to focus on the shape circle (although it really didn't work out like I had planned).  She used cotton swabs to paint her letter and worked on colors a bit with this as well.


She also "read" a couple of books to me.


Next was her favorite thing.  I've had some shaving cream in our hall closet forever that we aren't going to use and for some reason I feel like this was something we did in art class back in elementary school.  I just sprayed a bunch on the table and let her have at it.  She thought it was so fun to play with, I did attempt to show her how you can draw/write with it but she just loved the feeling in her hands lol which is completely appropriate for her age:). This is definitely something we will do again although I will probably take it outside and strip her down to her underwear and maybe add some food coloring to it as well.


On Wednesday daddy did her bible study with her before he left for work.  Then we did more with the letter M and colored her princess coloring sheets.
She was actually much more interested in eating the Cheerios. 


Thursday we just did our bible study and abc's then took advantage of the nice weather and played outside a lot!


Today is Friday and we will just do bible study and abc's before Howie and I both go to work then tonight take advantage of all of us being home and have some family time:)  

What are your Friday night plans?

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