Thursday, January 19, 2017

Oh the Joys of Childbirth

I made this list shortly after I had Sam:)
Things I wanted to pass on to other first time mom's and also to remember for the next one.
A little throwback Thursday!

1.  Take a shower as soon as you can, I for some reason put it off till I got home thinking it would hurt or something but it felt amazing.

2.  The cramps (after-contractions) while breastfeeding are pretty painful in the beginning but lessen in intensity as the days go by (stopped after about 5 days for me)

3.  Don't be afraid to use the lactation consultant.  Ours was awesome and without her help I probably would have given up.

4.  Bring a stool softener with you, I didn't get mine till the 2nd night and you can take it twice a day.  Keep taking it when you get home (3 weeks after I'm still taking it once a day when I remember)

5.  Bring some fruit/veggies to snack on to help things go smoother.  I had way to much fast food while in the hospital cause the hospital food was so bad.

6.  Don't feel bad if your hubby changes most of the diapers the first couple days:). 

7.  Don't let them pressure you into supplementing if you are planning to breastfeed.  Your body makes just the amount they need.  Sam went 9 hours at one point in the hospital without latching well because we were still trying to figure out the breastfeeding but we figured it out and she was fine.

What other advice would you pass on to a first time momma??

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