Tuesday, January 17, 2017

21 Day Fix- Week 1

Yay!  I completed week 1 and survived those workouts!  I never did take measurements but I have lost 3 pounds so far.  Some things I really like about this program right now:

 1.  I can still eat carbs and cheese!  Granted they are limited but I don't feel deprived and I plan out what I'm having each day to best take advantage of what I can have.  There were a few days that I went slightly over and I'm ok with that:). 

2.  It forces me to get out of comfort zone and cook more.  Thank goodness for Pinterest!

3.  It is helping Sam eat better as well since we aren't eating out or eating a bunch of junk.  Saves us money not eating out as well!

4.  The workouts are kicking my butt!  It's only 30 minutes and the first few days I was soooo sore.  I have had to do a lot of the modified moves simply because I'm not in great shape right now, hopefully by the end I won't be needing to do those at all.  As far as equipment, I've only needed some small dumbbells and a towel (I need to get a mat instead of using the towel).  

And the not so great things:

1.  I'm not a huge fan of the shakeology.  I really should be having one after my workout each day, it just doesn't sound good:(. I did use it to make these healthy muffins that surprisingly turned out really good.  

2. The yoga workout.  I'm just not a fan of yoga probably because I'm the most inflexible person ever; instead of doing that workout I walked a mile.

3.  One thing I haven't cut out is my coffee creamer and that is simply because people have to be around me each day and I would rather nobody be miserable😂.  

Here are a few meals I've had so far with this taco salad on top being my favorite.  I had this 3 times this week and I'm still not tired of it.  I mixed in some kidney beans with the meat to stretch it a little further.  Technically beans are considered a carb but since it's mixed in I can't really measure it, I didn't worry about it.   

As you can see I love my cheese!

Steak, (small) baked potato, and squash.

Fried egg on a piece of toast.

What are your favorite go to healthy recipes?

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