Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What I Ate Wednesday

To start off when I was first planning these 3 weeks of posting Monday through Friday I wrote down what each day's post would be.  Unfortunately I shouldn't have planned multiple "what I ate Wednesday's" because I pretty much eat the same thing and it's really not very interesting lol but it's 7 am, we're headed to the zoo soon and I still need to do my workout so here it is😉

For breakfast I tried the other protein powder I had bought on clearance a couple weeks ago and I had to choke it down😩.  I mixed it with just some almond milk and then had a half serving of grapes.  I have such a hard time eating breakfast, food doesn't even sound good until about 11.

For lunch I had one red container of scrambled eggs with a little salsa and then some carrots with this delicious Greek yogurt dip.  This is such a weird combination for lunch.  I still wasn't very hungry but had to go to work and wouldn't be able to eat for quite awhile.  


For dinner at work I just had a turkey sandwich with mustard and cheese, celery and peanut butter, and some cantaloupe.  I also had a banana and a Spark as my snacks.


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